My name is Alexis Mray Bearinger.

I’m a local artist born & raised in Midland, Michigan and I’m the sole proprietor of a small business called Cudabeara Fine Art & Photo. Through Cudabeara I offer an array of artistic services such as custom house portraits, wedding & portrait photography, mural painting, photo restoration and more.

In my personal work, I focus mostly on acrylic painting, watercolor painting and creative photography, but my interests are always changing and growing with time.

I attended school at the College For Creative Studies in Detroit from 2014-2017 before dropping out in my Junior year due to burnout, expenses and overall mental health. When I left school I directed my focus on exploring my creativity freely & without boundary, and in 2020 I started my business as a full time artist & photographer.

My recent fine art collection features a series of pop art acrylic paintings, watercolor paintings & ink illustrations.

Creating this body of work is what kept me busy (and sane) during the majority of quarantine in 2020. It was the first time in my adult life that I’d really had a block of time to do nothing but be creative & playful.

The paintings that have come forth from that time are a result of me exploring what forms, shapes and colors were most aesthetically pleasing to me.

In 2020 we were all just looking for ways to find happiness at home in day to day life, and for me that meant vibrant colors, high contrast, bold rounded lines, and a lot of personified objects.

I’ve continued to explore these themes in my work over the last few years, and I’m only now feeling like this body of work may be complete.

In my current fine art projects, I’ve shifted to working in a looser, more impressionist style and I’m hoping to begin a new series that focuses on liminal, dreamlike spaces in relation to 90’s and early 2000’s nostalgia. 

In the realm of photography, the passion work for me is in day to day lifestyle photography as well as creative portraiture.

In my creative work I like to curate larger-than-life surrealist imagery through playful lighting, makeup and fashion. You’ll find many of the same vibrant colors from my fine art palette reflected in my creative portraiture, as well as a consistent “otherworldly” charm. In my lifestyle work I like to focus on finding moments of convergence with angles and romanticization of the mundane.

I take photographs with basically any tool I can get my hands on and I’ve been comfortable with a camera in my hands since I was a young child. Playing with a disposable camera was one of my favorite pass times and is still one of my favorite photographic mediums. I thank my mom for that one, as she always encouraged my creativity & endulged my interest in pictures from a very young age.

Being an artist has always been who I am, and I decided years ago to dedicate my life & my time to exploring that to the fullest extent. I hope that through my work I can inspire others to do the same.

I believe life settles into place once you start following your passions & intuitions, and that the world would be a better place if we could collectively focus on doing what we love. I plan to continue exploring these concepts in my artistic pursuits, whatever they may be and wherever they may take me!

If you would like to hire me, work together, do an art trade, or just send me a letter, visit the contact tab. I love getting suggestions and any kind of feedback from my followers. Lastly, make sure you follow me on Tiktok and Instagram @cudabearaaaa to stay up to date on my projects and new art!